Recruitment for Various Position Click here to know more

Recruitment for Various Position Click here to know more

You may interested in
- Industrial Visit at GETCO-220 KV Substation
- Three Days National Seminar cum Workshop on Next Generation Networks - paving the way for 5G and 6G
- Stick to Stability: The Paper Bridge Challenge
- Crafting Spaces: Lab Furniture Design and Planning
- OSAT Training program
- AICTE ATAL Academy Sponsored One-Week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes and ATMP”
- Convergence 2025
- Technical Certificate in Process Plant Operations
- Distinguised Lecture
- The Space Club “Inauguration Event”
- Poster Presentation on "Clean and Green Energy"
- Industrial Visit at Semicon India 2023
- Industrial Visit at Electrical Research & Devlopment Association (ERDA)
- Industrial Visit at Kokila Electricals
- Expert Lecture on “Industry Aspects of Agile Project Management”
- Industry Aspects of Agile Project Management
- Engineer’s Day Celebration
- Data Visualization using Tableau
- Converting problems into business opportunities
- ANSYS for Electric Vehicles
- India's spectacular solar growth and exciting future ahead
- Applications and Use of Natural Gas in Internal Combustion Engines
- Introduction to Mobility: Trends and value chain
- Robotics Master training
- Robosoccer robotics
- Aeromodelling Club
- Intellectual Property Right Awareness
- Expert Lecture on “Cybersecurity in the Growing Digital World”
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Research as a Career Opti...
Expert has delivered the session that is based on research and innovation in the...
Stick to Stability: The P...
Engineer's Day Celebration
Crafting Spaces: Lab Furn...
Engineer's Day Celebration
AICTE ATAL Academy Sponso...
🚨 Call for participation - ATAL FDP at Ganpat University- UVPCE! 🚨
Distinguised Lecture
R&D, Innovations, and requirements of industries
The Department of Petrochemical Engineering, UVPCE-GUNI organized a webinar e...
Job markets in Petrochemi...
The Department of Petrochemical Engineering, UVPCE-GUNI organized a webinar e...
Industrial Visit (Electri...
The Department of Electrical Engineering, UVPCE-GUNI organized an Industrial vis...
GUJCOST sponsored two day...
Department of Electrical Engineering had organized two days GUJCOST sponsored we...
Full Stack Development us...
The main objective of this expert session was to brush up and enhance students&r...
Industrial visit
The Department of Petrochemical Engineering, UVPCE-GUNI organized an Industrial...
Industrial visit
The Department of Petrochemical Engineering, UVPCE-GUNI organized an Industrial...
Android Campus Fest

Building Android Apps using Jetpack Compose Library.
Use of best practices in Android App Architecture.
Importance of App security & User permissions.
ita 's totally free event. No registration charge will be taken.
Top 5 Teams will get Special Gift from GOOGLE and visit to GOOGLE CAMPUS.
The theme of App-athon :
Community helping apps(Online Blood bank, Pregnancy guidelines, Agriculture app etc.)
Campus problem-solving apps (Online examination, Student Transportation etc.)
Individual problem-solving apps ( bakery, gym etc)
Apps with the best idea wins solving community level -> campus level -> individual level.
Apps applying the latest Modern Android Development Coding Skills.
Apps which already have a user base and have good user feedback (U&I).