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Information Technology
Department of Information Technology was established in the year 1997, with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Information Technology. With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation the department has always produced quality professionals, holding important positions in Information Technology industry in India and abroad.
The Department started the two years M. Tech. in Information Technology in the year 2010, with the objective of providing opportunities to the graduate students to pursue a research career in the domain of Information Technology.
Department provides research guidance in the following areas.
- High BDP Networks
- Transport layer solution for Heterogeneous networks
- Distributed Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Image Processing
- Web Mining
- Cloud Computing
- IoT
- Cyber Security
- Machine Learning
Road area in which training can be offered to Industry people
- Networking
- Cloud Computing
- Data mining & Data ware housing
- Image processing
- Office Automation
- Mobile Application Development
Type of Consultancy-Testing work carried out by Department
- Developed and managing the Institute web site
- Implementation and coordination of Moodle for academic purpose
- Internet Service distribution and maintenance at campus level
- IT infrastructure setup in coordination with vendors and service provider
- Software installation and other day to day IT issues at Institute level
- Android Application Development