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About Convergence
We are passing through the era of liberalized economy, globalization of trade and industry and therefore improvement in competitiveness of industries is a buzzword wherein technical education plays dominant role. While looking at the scenario of technical education in Gujarat, U. V. Patel College of Engineering of Ganpat University is known for providing state-of-art trained manpower to industries in 9 branches of engineering at UG level and 6 programs at PG level.
The students of U. V. Patel College of Engineering befitting to their standard, are in the process of organizing a National Level Technical Symposium, called Convergence.
Convergence is one of the flagship annual events at Ganpat University. It is a National Level Technical Festival for Engineering students for Two days, being organized by Faculty of Engineering & Technology since 2002. Convergence is one of the most awaited events of the year, making campus vibrant with full of energy, excitement and youthfulness. 4000 prospective engineers from various part of India, meet on common platform, interact and share ideas – it is a really an event with full of opportunities and possibilities. Convergence provides platform for showcasing technical skills of students, learning about latest technological developments, besides opportunities for enhancement of creativity & innovativeness, leadership skills and spirit of teamwork. There are more than 60 different events are planned which includes workshops, expert lectures, E-auction, paper-poster presentations, quizzes, robotic competition, digital branding, model making competition, programming contest, business idea competition, youth parliament, art gallery, airshow, etc. Participation in the event is on constant rise, starting from about 900 in 1st Convergence to about 4000 in 2018. One of the important facts of the event is that there is active involvement of Industries and experts from field. From the feedback received from majority of Alumni, experience of attending 4 convergence events, was very useful experience and helping a lot in their professional career.
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