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The Library has been catering to the needs of the undergraduates, postgraduates, faculty and staff members of all the departments of the institution. The book collection continues to support the teaching, research, development and other professional activities of these departments. The demands of the ever-growing research areas across multiple disciplines is being catered with the help of latest volumes, in almost all fields of Engineering, Science, Technology and general areas.
Soul Webopac open from Outside GUNI Network
Soul Webopac open from GUNI Network
Some salient features:
Large Number of Books
The library is well equipped with wide ranging books from all the technical streams. The current numbers of books stand at about 31,000 and still counting. Large volumes of books helping the students crack the competitive examinations are also available. All these books have been well arranged, categorized and demarked properly so that it is easily feasible to reach out for them.
Seeing today's e-era, institution has been providing extensive range of e-journals scoring all fields counting up to 2000 in numbers.
Additional Resources
Research Papers, theses and other multimedia learning resources viz. CD, DVD, VCD for deepening the technical roots amongst the minds of the students are also available in plenty.
Reference Collection
Large number of expensive reference books and other materials prove to be of great assistance along with the course books. The reference collection comprises Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks and many more housed separately in the reference section.
Technological Assistance
Well established computerised systems provided for books issue and return transactions thus keeping all records dynamic, well-updated and electronic.
Newspapers & Magazines
Regularly subscribed all major dailies and magazines help students keep themselves abreast with day-to-day happenings in all fields across the globe.
Internet Facility
Latest configured computers provided with high speed internet connectivity aid students learn from the Internet. Wi-Fi connectivity across the entire library allows mobile learning..
Reading Area
Large and comfortable seating arrangement with a silent environment providing a perfect place to the students to study and enhance their knowledge. Special reading areas for referring the reference materials and other resources pertaining to competitive exams.