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Education Qualification
Ph.D., M.Tech., B.E
Research Area
Heterogeneous Networks, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Cyber security.
Rakesh Vanzara is an IITian, educationist and passionate teacher with 23 years of teaching and industrial experience. He has earned his Master Degree in Information Technology from IIT-Roorkee. He has guided several undergraduates and postgraduate students for the project and research work. He has published/presented several research papers in international/national journals and conferences. Under his visionary leadership, Institute has received Grants of more than 40 lacs for workshop, FDP, remote centre of IIT-Bombay, IIT-Khargpur and MODROB grant from MHRD and AICTE. He is the key person in the implementation of learning management systems at Institute and for introducing best teaching-learning mechanisms and curriculum development. He is also serving as reviewer in SCI Journals and many conferences. Prof. Vanzara got the unmatched teaching style and serving as mentor to many students to achieve their dream.