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Water Resources Engineering is an important field of Civil Engineering. Water is the most precious natural resource but it can cause severe problems if it is not properly used. So proper utilization and management of water are necessary especially in the field of irrigation. Knowledge about Soil properties of irrigation land, Irrigation Scheduling, Design of canals and Analysis of Hydrological data are significant in both the Agricultural and Civil Engineering fields. Rain gauges are available in the laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resource engineering so that students can have hands-on practice in the measurement of the depth of the rainfall for any particular area. To meet this purpose this course includes several topics like Surface water hydrology - hydrologic cycle, rainfall and its measurement, mean rainfall, runoff; Flow measurements; Infiltration losses; Storm hydrology; Unit Hydrograph; Storm hydrograph; Reservoir planning - Investigations, the life of reservoir; Flood estimation and routing, flood forecasting; Surface and sub-surface drainage, water logging, remedial measures, drainage of land; Groundwater hydrology - Introduction, types of aquifers, wells, well yield; Soil-Water-Plant relationships, crop water requirement; Layout of canal system; Types and methods of irrigation. etc.