Recruitment for Various Position Click here to know more

Recruitment for Various Position Click here to know more

The objective of the lab is to perform experiments that are related to Mechanics of Solid subjects in order to understand the behavior of solid materials, especially their motion and deformation under the action of forces, temperature changes, phase changes, and other external or internal agents with the help of different mechanical equipment which students study in theory. We make students perform different practicals like Simple Beam, Different Lifting Machines, Tension and Compression test, Force and Force Systems, Moment of Inertia of Fly Wheel, Coefficient of Static Friction, etc.
1 | Simple Beam | To find the Support Reaction of simply supported beam & check the theoritical result. |
2 | Differential Axles and Wheel |
To obtain an equation for the relation between load and effort, and hence obtain a value for the limiting efficiency of machine. |
3 | Single Purchase Crab Winch | |
4 | Double Purchase Crab Winch | |
5 | Simple Screw jack | To Calculate the efficiency of simple screw jack. |
6 | Coplanar Concurrent Forces |
To verify the polygon law of forces for a system in equilibrium, both |
7 | Coplanar Non-Concurrent Forces | |
8 | Moment of Inertia of Fly Wheel | To determine the relationship between the angular acceleration of flywheel and the torque producing the acceleration. |
9 | Friction of Different Surfaces | To determine the coefficient of static friction between two surfaces |
10 | Center of Gravity of Plane Figures | To determine the Center of Gravity of Plane Figures |