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The Concrete Technology Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering at U.V.Patel College of Engineering is one of the best concrete technology laboratories currently existing in India. The laboratory serves a wide spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, research, development and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on different types of materials that are used in concrete and testing concrete specimens in various exposure conditions. The Concrete Technology Laboratory also offers technical services for testing and research on the structural behavior and properties of materials. The laboratory is equipped with a fully Air Conditioning system and a Humidity Controlling system. Other major equipments include an electronic Universal Testing Machine, a Compressive Testing Machine, a Flexural Testing Machine, an Accelerated Curing Tank, Workability measuring equipment, a Concrete Mixer, a Humidity Chamber, a vibrating table, a Marsh Cone, a Mortar Mixer, etc. Other sophisticated equipment to perform Non-destructive tests like Ultrasonic pulse velocity meter, Rebound hammer, Permeability tester, Accelerated corrosion, Sorptivity, Rapid chloride penetration testing equipment, etc are also available and used extensively in various activities. The concrete laboratory is equipped with all the equipment required for the manufacturing and testing of specimens. The following figures show some of the facilities available in the concrete technology laboratory.
1 | Fineness, consistency and setting time cement | IS:269-1976,IS:1489-1976,IS:8112-1989, IS:12269-1987 | To determine the fineness, consistency and setting time cement |
2 | Specific gravity of cement | IS:2720-1980 | To determine the specific gravity of cement |
3 | Compressive strength of cement | IS:269-1976,IS:1489-1976,IS:8112-1989,IS:12269-1987, IS:4031-1968, IS:650-1966 | To determine compressive strength of cement |
4 | Sieve analysis of aggregate | IS:2386-1963 (Part 1), IS:383-1970 | To determine fineness modulus and grading pattern of aggregates |
5 | Specific gravity, bulk density, moisture content and water absorption of aggregate | IS:2386-1963 (Part 3), IS:383-1970 | To determine specific gravity, bulk density, moisture content and water absorption of aggregate |
6 | Marsh cone Test | To determine the optimum content of chemical admixture | |
7 | Workability tests on fresh concrete | IS:1199-1959, IS:456-2000 | To determine workability of concrete mix by slump test method and by compaction factor method |
8 | Compressive strength of concrete cubes | IS:1199-1959, IS:516-1959 | To determine compressive strength of concrete cubes |
9 | Split tensile strength of concrete cylinder | IS:5816-1970 | To determine the split tensile strength of concrete cylinder |
10 | Flexural bending strength of concrete beam | IS:1199-1959, IS:516-1959 | To determine the flexural bending strength of concrete bim |
11 | Non-destructive testing (N.D.T) | IS:13311 (Part 2)-1992 | To determine strength of hardened concert by rebound hammer and by ultrasonic pulse velocity method |