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Background of Training & Placement Department:

  • To arrange industrial tours & training for students in coordination with the departments.To prepare students to face the various interviews.
  • To arrange Campus Interviews.
  • To plan and implement the continuing education programs.
  • To work towards the knowledge up gradation of faculties and staff by industrial trainings.
  • To implement activities as per the MoU’s with various organization, which can help the growth of institute.
  • Approach various industries for consultancy and testing assignments.
  • To implement any such activity which can increase industry-institute interaction.
  • Develop the good industrial relations.
  • To develop and implement Entrepreneurship Development Programs.
  • To arrange activities for the benefit of the community around the institute.
  • To develop general awareness activities for the society.
Rules that need to be adhered by respective students :
  • Students should confirm their registration for placements.
  • Students failing to register will NOT BE ALLOWED to participate.
  • Ensure that they have required documents like Resume, testimonials etc.
  • Need to be aware about company profile in detail.
  • Keep a check whether it is matching their domain and skill-set.
  • Keep in touch with respective placement co-ordinator in order to avoid gap of communication.
  • Reach the venue in time in formal dress.
  • Carry their ID card during On Campus or Off Campus drives.
  • Mobile phone should be switched off once the campus drive starts.
  • In a given situation , if a student in placed in X company , he/she would be only allowed to participate in other placement opportunity ONLY when the consequent/next company is offering 30% higher than the previous offer. The minimum package will be considered if the company states a package bracket.
Procedure for placements :
  • Placement policy will be uploaded on the college website.
  • Placement Cell will initiate talks with various companies through personal meetings , Emails , telephonically etc.
  • After confirmation containing openings , Response sheet will be sent to companies.
  • Once the response sheet is received stating Profile , Package , Location, Date of Campus etc , the information will then be downloaded to students of respective streams for registration.
  • Once the Number of registration is received , companies will be informed accordingly.
  • Training Sessions will be conducted for registered students.
  •  Campus drive then gets conducted.
  • At the completion of drive , results will be declared on the same day or in a day or two.
  • Selected/Shortlisted students and placement co-ordinator will be informed accordingly.